Rest & Activity

A new inspiration from nature.
Special experience that awakens the emotions of children and adults.


An open place where you can enjoy the leisure of nature,
as you are being in an outdoor chapel in a forest.

Inquiriestel. front Desk +82-31-589-5601 / Inquiries(renting of space) +82-31-589-5690

  • Guidelines

    Location : Outdoor / next to Baumhaus

    * Chapel is a space for guests of Midas Hotel & Resort.

  • Name Chapel
    Capacity Please contact us to inquire about the use.
    Function An open-air lecture, small party, concert, and so on

아이디 중복확인

(4~20자 까지 한글과 특수문자를 제외한 “영문+숫자” 조합문자 )

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